Dila Demir

Welcome to my creative space. I am Dila, here I share the things I make and explore. I hope you will find something inspiring. 
Enjoy your visit! 

  1. Multi-Sensory Design for Somatic Wellbeing
  2. Pain Creature
  3. Caring Compnaion
  4. Squeaky/Pain
  5. Aura

Artistic Explorations
  1. Woven Narratives: Immersive Rugs
  2. Pain Creature/Performance
  3. Odyssey for One
  4. Interactive Costume Design
  5. Metamorphosis
  6. Memory Space
  7. Textile Explorations

Design Space

Publictions & Presentations

Exhibitions & Demo Days

Teaching & Workshops & Reviewing


Please feel free to get in touch with me for inquiries and collaborations.





Photography by Kadri Tiganik

Merhaba/Tere/Hi! I am Dila, moving in this world since 1990, from Turkey living in Tallinn, Estonia. 

I am an artist, designer & researher, in addition, I am a movement experimenter,  a certified yoga instructor and an improvisational dance practitioner. I work at the Estonian Academy of Arts as a researcher leading the project called ‘Multi-Sensory Design for Somatic WellBeing’. My research interweaves movement practices, material explorations (textiles & biomaterials) and sensory bodily inquiries. I work in the fields of interactive textiles, Human-Computer-Interaction and material studies. 

I engage with soma design, critical design, autoethnography, participatory design and first-person design methods. I am inspired by phenomenology of movement, embodied cognition, aesthetic experiences, phenomenology of illness, care, feminist and post-human theories. I am interested how we may promote the bodily awareness of people living with bodily discomforts such as chronic pain, chronic gut diseases and mental disordes through designing discomforting interactions.