Dila Demir

Welcome to my creative space. I am Dila, here I share the things I make and explore. I hope you will find something inspiring. 
Enjoy your visit! 

  1. Multi-Sensory Design for Somatic Wellbeing
  2. Pain Creature
  3. Caring Compnaion
  4. Squeaky/Pain
  5. Aura

Artistic Explorations
  1. Woven Narratives: Immersive Rugs
  2. Pain Creature/Performance
  3. Odyssey for One
  4. Interactive Costume Design
  5. Metamorphosis
  6. Memory Space
  7. Textile Explorations

Design Space

Publictions & Presentations

Exhibitions & Demo Days

Teaching & Workshops & Reviewing


Please feel free to get in touch with me for inquiries and collaborations.




Publications & Presentations


Demir, Arife Dila (2023). Extended [Textile] Soma: Somaesthetics of Bodily Discomforts. PhD Dissertation. Estonian Academy of Arts. Tallinn, Estonia. Link

Journal Articles

Demir, Arife Dila; Kuusk, Kristi; Nimkulrat, Nithikul (2022). Squeaky/Pain: Articulating the Felt Experience of Pain for Somaesthetic Interactions. Temes de Disseny, 2022, Num. 38, pp. 162-178. Link

Demir, Arife Dila, Nimkulrat, Nithikul, & Kuusk, Kristi (2022). ‘Squeaky/Pain’: Cultivating Disturbing Experiences and Perspective Transition for Somaesthetic Interactions. Diseña, (20), Article.2. Link

Neves, Inês Rodrigues; Reyes, Claudia Diaz; Pachi, Ismini; Demir, Arife Dila; Kuusk, Kristi (2021). Creative exchange through joint responsibility: designing performances in multidisciplinary teams in the educational context. Research in Arts and Education, 1/2021. Link

Conference Proceedings


Madaghiele, Vincenzo and Demir, Arife Dila (2024). Pain Creature: interdisciplinary collaboration in the design of an embodied textile instrument for interactive dance.
 In Proceedings of  New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2024, September 4-6 2024, Utrecht (NL) (forthcoming)

Demir, Arife Dila and Núñez-Pacheco, Claudia. (2024) Autosomatographical Narratives: Towards the Articulation of Felt Accounts of Pain for  Somaesthetic Design. In Proceedings of Conference Designing Interactive Systems DIS2024, Copenhagen, Denmark

Demir, Arife Dila*; Oktay, Nesli Hazal*; Kuusk, Kristi (2023). Cultivating and Eliciting Felt Experiences for Design Use: Physical Manifestations of Abstract Bodily Experiences. In Proceedings of the Design Research Society Special Interest Group: Experiential Knowledge, EKSIG 2023. *joint first authors Link

Madaghiele, Vincenzo; Demir, Arife Dila, & Pauletto, Sandra (2023). Heat-sensitive sonic textiles: increasing awareness of the energy we save by wearing warm fabrics. resented at the Sound and Music Computing Conference. Link

Workshop Proposals

Popova, Kristina; Park, Jooyoung; Demir, Arife Dila (2023). Conquering the silence, exploring the uncomfortable together: A collective exploration of discomfort as a design resource. The 10th Nordic Design Research Society (Nordes) Conference. June 12-14, Sweden. Link

Demir, Arife Dila, Joo Young Park, Claudia Núñez-Pacheco, and Marianela Ciolfi Felice (2023). Designing with the Body in Unhabitual Movements using Visual and Textual Elicitation Tools. In Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’23). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Link

Extended Abstract

Demir, Arife Dila (2020). AURA: Altering Self-Perception Through Interactive Light Emitting Textiles. Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society. ACM Digital Library, 1−3. Link


Kuusk, Kristi; Oktay, Nesli Hazal; Demir, Arife Dila (2022). Sensorial Design: Feel, Move, Interact! In Design Journal Leida 1(1). Link


Demir, Arife Dila. Pain Creature: Designing for Somaesthetics of Discomfort. Event Name: ArcinTex Conference by The Swedish School of Textiles, Hybrid. April 2024. Link

Demir, Arife Dila. Designing Human-Gut Microbiome Relations. Event Name: Estonian Humanities Annual Conference Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia, April 2024. Link

Demir, Arife Dila. Multi-Sensory Design for Somatic WellBeing. Event Name: Social Innovation Conference ‘Emergence’. Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia, April 2024.

Demir, Arife Dila. Design Research in Estonian Academy of Arts. Oraganized by Estonian Ministry of Culture. KUMU auditorium, Tallinn, Estonia, November 2023. Link

Demir, Arife Dila. Caring Companion: Materializing Bodily Experiences for Somaesthetic Interactions. Conference presentation in Futurescan5: Conscious Communities. Online, September 2022