Dila Demir

Welcome to my creative space. I am Dila, here I share the things I make and explore. I hope you will find something inspiring. 
Enjoy your visit! 

  1. Multi-Sensory Design for Somatic Wellbeing
  2. Pain Creature
  3. Caring Compnaion
  4. Squeaky/Pain
  5. Aura

Artistic Explorations
  1. Woven Narratives: Immersive Rugs
  2. Pain Creature/Performance
  3. Odyssey for One
  4. Interactive Costume Design
  5. Metamorphosis
  6. Memory Space
  7. Textile Explorations

Design Space

Publictions & Presentations

Exhibitions & Demo Days

Teaching & Workshops & Reviewing


Please feel free to get in touch with me for inquiries and collaborations.




Exhibitions & Demo Days

Exhibitions & Performances

Woven Narratives:Immersive Rugs by Dila & Mathilda and nar.interactive. Milan Design Week 2024. Milan, Italy . April 2024 

Extended Soma: Somaesthetics of Bodily Discomforts (including performance of Pain Creature ). Vent Space. Tallinn, Estonia. December 2023 

Textile Design Department Exhibition/ Soft Negotiations.  Project: ‘SQUEAKY/PAIN’ EKA Gallery. Tallinn, Estonia. October-November 2021

Sensorial Design Group Exhibition. Project: ‘SQUEAKY/PAIN’ Disainiöö. Tallinn, Estonia, September 2021

Demir, A. D. Porject: AURA. NordiCHI’20 online gallery. Tallinn, Estonia, October 2020

Demir, A. D. Project: AURA. TASE (Graduation exhibition, Estonian Academy of Arts), Tallinn/Estonia, May-June 2019

Demir, A. D. Project: Memory Space. Textile Design Department Exhibition, Haapsalu Linnagaleris, Haapsalu/Estonia, December 2018 -January 2019

Demo Days

Demir, A. D., Kohava, M. Odyssey for One. STARTS.EE art + science residency.  eˉlektron art, Tallinn, Estonia, December 2020 Link